The Love Movement
We are starting a movement, centered around love to help raise the vibration of this beautiful planet.
You can expect to hear casual conversations and interviews with some amazing people as we chat about many topics all centered around three main pillars:
Loving Yourself: Explore practical tips, personal stories, and scientific insights on self-love.
Loving Others: Hear inspiring stories of kindness, empathy, and connection. From random acts of love to deep friendships, we celebrate the beauty of human bonds
Loving the Planet: Dive into discussions about environmental consciousness, sustainable living, and our responsibility to care for our beautiful home. Discover how self love extends to nurturing the Earth and creating a more compassionate world.
Tune in to “The Love Movement” and be part of a global shift toward more love, understanding, and positive change.
The Love Movement
Ep 12: Rediscovering Authenticity : Brittany's first plant medicine Journey
Brittany's first journey into the world of plant medicine began with a step that many fear to take. Confronting societal misconceptions head-on, she shares how psilocybin mushrooms became a gateway to profound self-discovery and self-love. Join us as we unravel her story, exploring how plant medicine aligns with our core pillars of loving oneself, others, and the planet. Brian also weighs in, reflecting on his own experiences with microdosing and the patience and presence it has brought into his life. Together, we challenge the stigmas surrounding psychedelics and envision a future where their transformative potential is fully embraced.
Navigating a psychedelic experience can be as daunting as it is enlightening. We delve into the emotional and physical challenges that accompany a mushroom trip, such as feelings of heaviness and suffocation, and the importance of a supportive environment. The power of music emerges as a key facilitator in reaching these peaks of consciousness.
As personal transformation unfolds, we examine the journey to self-love and breaking free from societal beauty standards. From rethinking dietary choices to embracing a more natural lifestyle, Brittany shares her insights on receiving blessings and getting out of one's own way. There's a call to reevaluate where we invest our time and resources, encouraging a shift from superficial appearances to inner growth. By shedding societal programming, reconnecting with our authentic selves, and leading from the heart, we hope to inspire listeners to resubscribe to a life filled with genuine connections and truths.
Psilocybin is the safest drug video
Episode 4: How to Journey responsibly
Brian's Mushroom Playlist
James' Ultimate guide to Mushrooms and psychedelics
you're listening to the love movement with your hosts britney and brian johnston. We're starting a movement centered around love to help raise the vibration of this beautiful planet if that's your vibe, hang out with us as we chat about many topics all centered around three main pillars Loving yourself, loving each other and loving the planet. So if you're ready, let's jump in.
Speaker 2:All right, welcome back, friends, for episode 12. And today we're doing an episode that I didn't know when we were gonna do this, but I'm gonna be doing most of the interviewing today and I'm gonna be interviewing britney because she has done her first plant medicine ceremony. And you might be wondering why do you keep talking? You're talking about mushrooms and plant medicine ceremonies. Well, this podcast is about love and there's no better love to yourself than the growth that you go through.
Speaker 1:I think in in some of these ceremonies and it's continuous yeah, totally, and you don't look at anything the same after and you think entirely different. It's like an escape from the 3d world and you think entirely different.
Speaker 2:It's like an escape from the 3D world it is. I think what it does is it cleans up, like when you clean up your internal world, which is what you do when you start working with plant medicine, and your internal world creates your external world right. So it cleans up all the distractions and it helps you become your true, authentic self.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because you're talking to your higher self. That's what I was going to say In one of these ceremonies is what you're doing and your higher self. It knows what the truth is for you as an individual and how we should be living, and what serves us, what serves us, what doesn't serve us. It through this medicine. It shows you the way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and if you guys have not listened to any of the other Love Movement podcast episodes, episode number three was me interviewing Brian on his first journey, which is what sort of brought about this entire podcast in the first place. So listen to that if you haven't. And episode 10 was his more recent journey, which is in November, so just last month he did this and I think I've always just been like jealous of you doing them because you're getting such good insights and I can see the growth and the integration and all the things. But I had so much resistance to do it myself and I was so scared. But I had so much resistance to do it myself and I was so scared and I really just think at the end of the day, I'm like a control freak and I don't like the feeling of losing control. That's why I've never in my life done any drugs. And then mushrooms is like your brainwash that this is a drug, that's what society tells you and it's illegal. So like the fact that we've been talking about this feels a little shady.
Speaker 2:I feel like it's a gray area. Well, I feel like one of the most destructive things in the world is alcohol and you can buy it everywhere at any time.
Speaker 1:yeah, it's so true. So many things in this world are messed up and I feel like they're going to want to keep mushrooms illegal because mushrooms give you so much insight and clarity and answers when used in a proper way. So we have those other episodes to reference where we talk more about that. But if you've never heard of any of those episodes, just let's do a quick backstory on plant medicine, working with psilocybin and it's funny because you never really brought it up to me at all, but we moved to Vancouver Island a couple years ago now and I listened to my other friend, her podcast, carly Pingen. It's called Evolve and Expand and she did an episode on plant medicine. I remember seeing the title and being like what even is plant medicine? Like it wasn't, like she said my mushroom journey. Like I didn't know what she's talking about. So I listened to it and I was like so inspired after thinking I want that experience. I remember I came to you and I said, um, I think I want to do mushrooms and you were like what?
Speaker 2:yeah, I was actually really excited because I was trying starting to explore this. I didn't really want to bring it up to britain and she comes to me and my inside inner, like child, is like yeah, we get to do this why didn't?
Speaker 1:you want to bring it up to me um, because I knew you had would have some preconceived notion and idea about what it is, because of how it's perceived yeah, because I don't do drugs yeah, good well, you don't only do medicine that's right and um, there was a reel that we just were watching for this podcast and this guy was saying that mushrooms are safer than every other drug on the planet legal and not legal, more than tobacco, alcohol, weed. It's not addictive.
Speaker 2:It's not addictive, it actually helps with addiction.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's so many things, so hopefully, there's a day when this is readily available to everybody that is ready to work with it and there will be.
Speaker 2:It's a long time coming. Um, there's so much research going on right now that it will be. It would. There will be a day when this is this is normal so for you.
Speaker 1:Once I listened to that podcast and kind of brought it out to you that I was like open to this, you started microdosing which is a good place to start. Yeah, which is where it started and you noticed a big difference in your I think patience level patience level with a toddler.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was almost like, uh, having a, a buffer almost, where you know things don't get to you as much, you just let things like flow and you're just more, you're more present so I never really got into the microdosing but the first time I explored it I did one gram with he, which we talked about on our podcast about dating or something yeah it's on our dating one I forget which number that is but we just did one gram because we were kidless and alone and I felt like it was a responsible time to do it and I wanted to have an experience of what it was like, because I'd never had this in my body ever.
Speaker 1:Because, right, you want to go low and slow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's the thing with this. You don't just like jump in and, you know, do a heroic dose right away with just five grams. You build a relationship with it. You go low and slow. See how you react, see how you feel.
Speaker 1:And I had so many insights on that one gram like I don't think I was expecting what and I still think about it, and that was like three months ago yeah so, and there's levels.
Speaker 2:There's levels to this the more you do, the deeper you go so I did two grams.
Speaker 1:That's what you had suggested, and obviously all the homework which you have in the show notes of episode three. I believe um podcast listened to by James Zander, which is who you learn a lot of things from, where he talks about like the checklist and like what to do and how to prepare, what to expect. Um, you know, not just jumping in and just doing this like that's there's some work to do beforehand, and not doing it when you're not feeling good. My plan was to do this on wednesday but our son had pink eyes so we were like, obviously other plans I not going to do when he's home. And it's funny how it works out exactly when it's supposed to, because it was the day after the 1212 portal and like energies are high and then it was on Friday the 13th. Yeah, I just feel like it was meant to be that day.
Speaker 2:Amazing. So what we did is, you know, we energetically cleared the room. You want to have everything clean, so clean the bathroom. We clean the bedroom, make everything tidy. You just want to do it in a place where you feel good yeah, a nice made bed.
Speaker 1:Um, what else do you had like that thing that you bang. That makes like the sound what is that?
Speaker 2:oh, it's like a sound bowl. A sound bowl, you know, a tiny little one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, a little tiny one metal one clean, it clears the air, yeah clears, energy and some different like sprays, and you had essential oils going and, just yeah, the house felt clean, it felt good, I felt like I'd had a shower the night before and everything just went smooth in the morning. Like our son was just a little breath of fresh air that morning. He was giving you extra hugs and kisses. He was. It was so sweet.
Speaker 2:He knew, he knew you were going to do something and he had to send you off with love, yeah, something like that. And then, yeah, going into it. She was a little nervous, but we, you know, we made it, made it in a, in a shake Protein shake. Yeah, put some nootropic mushrooms in there. So, like other mushrooms, there was ashwagandha. You know the mushroom, you know lines mean reishi, all those other Cordyceps yeah.
Speaker 2:Cordyceps, all those other things. And you know she took it in the shake and I knew in about 15 minutes she would start feeling it and she did. But we, you know, prepared it with water. You know some electrolyte water, some snacks you know banana, just in case you got hungry during this. Some snacks. You know banana, just in case you got hungry during this. And, like for me, I like doing this alone, but I was just there guiding her and kind of being like your trip sitter.
Speaker 1:You were being my shaman.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:I just was. Yeah, it was different because we did that one gram together. It was like we were in it together, we could talk. It was more of a social thing, but intimate because it was like us, like it was just us. It wasn't like we're partying or something, whereas this one I knew was like it was me doing the inner work and I think that's what I was resisting, was like losing that control Once I drink the shake and the mushrooms are in my body, like then I can't go back.
Speaker 2:Like I'm going through this, you're committed.
Speaker 1:I'm committed and I think I was worried and scared of like what I might find or have to face that I was. I didn't. Maybe want to know, want to see? I don't know.
Speaker 2:I think that's most people. Yeah, most people know they have something deep inside. But the thing is, whatever is deep inside, that it might be affecting them on their everyday life and they don't want to face it more head on. But that usually, especially in um therapy, that's how you get through it is is facing these things. It's bringing a new energy to it. You know, accepting it, releasing it and working through it. So, yeah, it's a, it's an interesting thing. What? The what the mushrooms bring up.
Speaker 1:You had me listen to a little bit of a meditation prior to doing the mushrooms and like even when I first drank it and it hadn't kind of gotten my system yet and to journal, and so I journaled literally to these mushrooms and I'll just read a little bit out of my my journal. I said please tell me, slash, show me what I need to know to get out of my own way in health, wealth and business, because obviously in all those areas I have like bigger goals than what I currently am at. I said I'm ready and wanting to step into the next version of myself and I know there are some things I need to face and work through, become aware of and change in order to step into, be and live out that version of me. And I just said to be gentle on me, keep me safe, because you can tell the mushrooms those things you can talk to them during trip.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um, I will surrender, let go and enjoy the journey that you take me on. Um, yeah, hoping for clarity that I'm on the right path, and wisdom for what's next, how to remove the blocks that are keeping me stuck. And so I just said I will not fear the fear, and I know that love and joy is on the other side of fear and that I'm going to surrender, and I know that this is for the highest good of my evolution. And the next sentence I wrote was once I was like in the trip and I was journaling in it, but I will say I don't know Maybe you need to explain it from your situation because I did not love the beginning of this trip, like I would say, for an hour and a half I was like what the hell have I done? And I don't know if that's normal or why that happened.
Speaker 2:No, it uh, it's different all the time. Um, sometimes it's. It can be a bumpy ride when you, when you first go through it and and usually there's this feeling of like you're almost trying to get out of your body.
Speaker 1:My body felt so heavy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I felt the same way on my last one.
Speaker 1:Did you feel like you were suffocating, Like you couldn't breathe Um a little bit? Yeah, Like was it. Was I having a low grade panic attack? Or was I like why, oh?
Speaker 2:yeah, it could be, and it's not always like that, I don't remember any of that when we did the one gram.
Speaker 1:That's why I was like is this, because I've done two grams, I'm like thinking, how do people do five?
Speaker 2:uh different mushrooms have different you know levels of the. You know different compounds in them. That will bring on different experiences too.
Speaker 1:I just know that. I'm glad you were there, because I feel like I started getting in my head like your ego just can't get out of the way.
Speaker 2:Like you're trying to go deep inside your subconscious and you can't go there with your body. So it's almost like your brain is trying to let go of your body and let go of, like you know, this 3D physical world so it can go to another place to talk to itself. I can't really explain how it works, but you can't bring your body into this like other realm, where this magic happens with these mushrooms magic happens with these mushrooms.
Speaker 1:And I just remember, like just being very grateful that you were there and you're willing to lay with me and just like remind me to like breathe, and I just remember I was wearing a sports bra under my t-shirt. I just had sweats and a t-shirt on and the sports bra and I I just was like I gotta rip this off. Like I literally threw off my shirt, threw my bra on the ground. I was just like my feet were clammy. It was like I was cold and I was hot and I couldn't, could not get comfortable. Like my eye mask was bugging me, my head, the headphones were bugging me. I just felt like irritated for a while and then I ripped off the headphones because there was one song in particular that I was like. I felt like I was literally drowning or suffocating. This is definitely not selling anybody on doing mushrooms, by the way.
Speaker 2:It's all. All, it's a.
Speaker 1:It's a process, though and it might not be like this every time, no, it won't, be definitely not.
Speaker 1:I just remember in the beginning, thinking I'm never doing this again and like how irresponsible am I. I'm literally at home on mushrooms on a friday while my kids at preschool like what am I doing? And the guilt and all the things that were going on, and I just like I was relieving hard on myself. And then, yeah, I made you put the music on, like across the room on the speaker, because I just couldn't have it that intense in my ears. It was just too much.
Speaker 1:And then at one point I just sort of like rolled over and was in like the fetal position. You were just cuddling me, rubbing my back, and then, oh, somebody came to the door, the doorbell rang and you. And then, oh, somebody came to the door, the doorbell rang and you left. Yeah, I think my Epicure order showed up or something. Anyways, it was the first time I was alone. And then you came back and I kind of I don't know if I was getting into the place where what do you call it Like you hit the peak or something, and you kind of, yeah, you hit the peak, and then it's usually like from there everything gets easier.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and everything gets easier.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's when you start having like the really big insights. I started feeling I could breathe, I wasn't as uncomfortable and I just felt like I was kind of fine on my own. I knew you were in the house, like if I needed you I could call you. It's not like you're incapable of like speaking or doing things when you're on these.
Speaker 2:No, like, you can get up, you can go to the bathroom, you can move your pillows, you can whatever. So I just did this in our bedroom and I knew, like this she did what I would call like a level two trip, where it wasn't super deep but it wasn't really shallow, it was kind of in the middle and I could tell by just kind of how she was acting.
Speaker 1:Um, she was a little more coherent than I was yeah yeah, at that point well, and I remember just being like is this working, am I doing it right? And I, I was so in my head, I was so in my head and even when you left, I said just leave, you can stay out of the room, but just like, check on me in 10 minutes. And during that time I remember kind of a couple times wanting to call you back in the room, but it was almost like I knew I could if I wanted to, but I wasn't, I wasn't. And it was almost like my higher self was saying you're okay, like you don't need someone else there, in a way.
Speaker 2:Your whole life, I think you always felt like you needed someone.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean you've been together since I was 15.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Also, and like I don't like being alone ever, and so I don't know, that was interesting, because I just really it was almost like I just breathed through it. I didn't call for you and I just was like no, you can do this, like you can console yourself, like you're fine, you're safe. And then I think the journey kind of got better and at some point I did get you to come in and give me the headphones again and took the music off the speakers.
Speaker 1:I heard headphones again and took the music off the speakers, because the music is a huge part of it, like a huge part of it.
Speaker 2:It's the, it's the driver of the car that you're in it it's everything and some of them you're just.
Speaker 1:It just changes what you're.
Speaker 2:I don't know how to describe it if you're say you're, you know you're going down something that you don't want to go down, the music will change and your thoughts change. It does it dry, it brings you different places and your playlist in particular is so good.
Speaker 1:Some songs feel almost scary. Like you know, you're going to like a dark spot where you don't really want to go there, but then it changes and it feels like you're floating and you're sort of figuring things out like you need some of that darkness.
Speaker 2:It's not. It's not dark and gloomy, but you need a little bit of the contrast to you know, if you want to do the work, you've got to bring some things out of you.
Speaker 1:Well, I remember when you came in and I maybe this was when you were giving me the headphones and I got up to go to the bathroom and I just was like I'm frustrated, like I want to go into this trip and I feel like I'm stuck or I can't get out of my own way, like is this me not surrendering? Like? Like I'm saying I'm surrendering but I'm just frustrated. And then I said I was having visions of like I was like trying to go through all these doors that were like in a circle, and every time I'd go through a door and try to do something, I was like in my way, in my way, in my way, like everywhere I was, I was like in my way and I just wanted to yell at myself and be like get out of the way.
Speaker 1:Like when you did that last one, you were yelling at everybody in the world to like stop talking. Like everybody, shut the fuck up Right. Whereas I was like yelling at myself, like get out of your own way. And so once I was like okay, like, get out of your own way. Like the mushrooms are not going to give you any messages or lessons if you can't get out of your own way. It's almost like they were annoyed because I wouldn't move.
Speaker 2:Do you think there's parallels in your?
Speaker 1:life.
Speaker 1:It's something from your day-to-day life that you're such a control freak about everything Like I think so many moms can relate to this and so just want to control everything and know how everything is and whatever. But then the message and I started journaling. I journaled get out of your own way. And then it was like visions of me, just like giving, giving, giving, like just giving gifts and giving people things. And it was just all this giving.
Speaker 1:I remember looking under a bench at one point trying to find a gift to like give something to someone, and it was like stop looking under benches, for more things to give was the message. But it was like my problem and why I'm in my own way everywhere in my life is because I don't know how to receive, because the minute I receive something, I immediately want to give something. Even if I go get a service done, like an appointment or a massage, it's like I can receive it but like, oh, but let me pay you and let me tip you and tip you good, like I got to, like I don't want to be that tipper.
Speaker 2:I've mentioned things like that to you before. I'm like, brittany, you don't have to do that, you don't have to give someone a tip for that or you don't have to pay for that.
Speaker 1:Or if someone gives me something, just accept it and receive it, not think like, oh, I got to give you something or one-up you in that thing, and so I wrote down receive, you are worthy. And then this paragraph is really big your power comes when you stop long enough which I never do to get out of your own way to receive the blessings that have always been trying to come to you.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:Like the blessings have always been trying to come my way in all these areas of my life. But I'm in the way because I don't know how to receive. But I'm in the way because I don't know how to receive Even with money. Like I've made really good income doing Arbonne for the last 18 years. I'm also really good at not saving it like I could be and it's like why am I not even receiving that?
Speaker 1:All your doors are more one way they're out Literally, that's a great way to explain it like and in health, it's like I'm good but then I'll still eat all the shit and like sabotage myself over and over and over again. Um, say that I'm gonna exercise and then I'm not, and say I'm gonna listen to a podcast and I'm watching the ultimatum, like I'm just in my own way everywhere. And so the biggest message was like you need to stop blocking your blessings and every time you're doing things. So when it comes to health, like every time you eat the garbage, or it was weird.
Speaker 1:I had a big message in this trip to about eating meat, which is weird because, like we don't eat red meat really.
Speaker 1:I mean, I'm not opposed to it, but you are the cook in the house and you don't eat red meat, and so we haven't really ever like we don't really eat red meat, and when I can, I just choose not to. So I'm not. I've sort of like gotten off that track of eating red meat, just how it is, I guess. But we always eat a lot of chicken and obviously it's Christmas coming up, like turkey, and in the vision that I had was like a chicken head going into this incinerator and it just like slammed shut and the message was just like, like it was like don't eat the chicken, like, be one with the chicken. It was so weird and I'm very, since that trip turned off by chicken and turkey, like I don't know if I'm gonna be able to eat turkey for christmas and a month ago thing very similar came up in mind about chickens, and I've yeah, it's part of the process after a trip is integration and like taking action while you're feeling inspired of these things that you learned.
Speaker 1:And so we kind of decided today that we're going to do pescatarian. Last year we stopped drinking, this year we'll stop eating chicken. I don't know, I just feel, like anybody too, that I know that does a lot of energy work.
Speaker 2:Um, they need to keep their vessel as clean as possible, and most all of them are vegan. It's something that I've noticed.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, when you're are eating, you know meat you're taking in the energy of a living being you know, how they're treated um all that yeah, and I mean I'm this is my problem again in my life, but I'm just like even talking about some of the stuff that came up in my message, like I don't want this to be offensive to someone who is farmer or loves eating meat or all these things.
Speaker 2:This is just what comes up in a mushroom journey. Is true to you, yeah, and you alone. It doesn't like. Everyone has their own truth.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it was just weird that that message kind of came out of nowhere and I really noticed in some of the songs, like the birds chirping and the water flowing and like just really feeling like one with nature and just craving. In the middle of my trip I got up and ate that banana and it never tasted so good yeah.
Speaker 2:Honestly, the best banana I've ever ate was in the middle of a journey Because, like all your, senses are heightened.
Speaker 1:But I just remember thinking, even eating the banana, I was focusing on chewing I. But I just remember thinking, even eating the banana, I was focusing on chewing, I was focusing on swallowing.
Speaker 2:I was focusing on receiving the nutrients of the food it was very intentional which were not and even water.
Speaker 1:When I was drinking the water I was like, oh, it was like I was receiving the water. And when I came out of the trip I just wanted like a cucumber, so bad, and like what did you peel me An orange? And all day yesterday. Yesterday I went to a breathwork session last night and my friend had this amazing spread of all these fancy things and, and you know, christmas baking and things that I normally would just shove full of my like in my face. I would just like eat all of the shit. I didn't even want it, like it wasn't even a thing that I wanted to eat. I ate the carrots and a couple of pickles and like some almonds.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so right there, a couple of pickles and like some almonds. Yeah, so right there, that's. It's one of the the biggest powers that plant medicine has. It's a is its ability to break habits, and break habits that we know we shouldn't be doing, like drinking, like I did. A mushroom journey, you know, start of the year, quit drinking. I haven't drank in almost a year now, over 11 months. I have no desire to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the desire like goes away which is weird.
Speaker 1:So that was the biggest thing. It was like this whole message kept coming up over and over. It was like you're blocking your blessings. You're blocking your blessings and you know blessings can't flow to you if you are purposely and all the time blocking them by putting that shit in your mouth, by watching the trash TV. And I'm not saying I'm never going to do these things, like I'm going to eat some of the candy sometime. I just, literally right now, have zero desire. There's like a giant thing of toffee phase on the counter and I'm just like I don't even want them. And that's not me.
Speaker 2:So, would you say, you've gained a new level of awareness A hundred percent.
Speaker 1:But it's almost like something rewired itself in my brain or something that I don't want it. I mean, I'm the girl who will just eat handfuls of chocolate chips if there's no chocolate in the house. Multiple times Like I'm so savage and as I do it, I'm like why am I doing this? I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but it's like I blame this as a postpartum. Well, my son's turning four. It's not postpartum. It's me not being disciplined and me self-sabotaging and being in my own way and essentially blocking those blessings. So it's like blessings can't flow to you if you're always blocking it. So it's like the vision that I had of me blocking my blessings was doing those things that I keep sabotaging and essentially how I'm being in my own way, like the actions of me being in my own way.
Speaker 2:Do you think that some of those things you were doing, that you know this mushroom trip? Obviously you highlighted some of these things. Do you think it was like self-love?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do Like you not showing yourself self-love before. Yeah, and part of like I don't because I don, I don't receive, I don't. You ask me all the time. Let's do breath work, let's meditate. I'm like I don't have time, I don't have time, I don't have time, but what do I have time for? And I had visions of me on my phone replying to messages to everybody. I'm just like I'm just responding to everybody all the time. I'm not taking time for myself myself.
Speaker 2:So you're like a, like a cup or a kettle or something that's just pouring out but not getting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I'm fooling myself to think that I am filling myself up Like so. This was another weird topic and I didn't even know if I wanted to go here, cause I literally I'm still really kind of struggling with this one and this has been in the back of my mind for a while. But, like, I've had gel nails since I was 16 years old and I've been on this journey a long time now of like eliminating toxins in the house, like from laundry soap to toothpaste, to everything, like dishwashing pods to we're going to be doing a whole episode on that that I've been wanting to do for a very long time.
Speaker 1:Well, and then the Diary of ceo steven bartlett's podcast. He had a toxicologist on and just listening to that two-hour podcast it's like I just it's so heightened and thinking about that and I always keep thinking myself every time I go to get my nails done every three weeks, like what is this doing to my body? And I don't know and have researched it. I'm not a researcher type person, but more so when I notice the people in my life that are energy workers and energy healers and things. They don't have gel nails.
Speaker 2:Well, I think what you might notice about those people is the people who you know don't have nails and they're more, you know, plain Jane.
Speaker 1:so to speak, they're being more authentic to their true selves too, to their true selves too, I think so, and I, I mean, I got out of that trip and I was like I'm getting my nails off and two hours later, you know, I'm like, I don't know, I might just get them red for Christmas, like maybe shorten them, like I'm, I'm it's like my ego is fighting me in this and I don't know that it has to be like an all or nothing thing, but I almost just like we tried not drinking last year.
Speaker 1:What if I tried not getting nails every three weeks? And what if I tried, I don't know? Going back to my roots of being a brunette I mean, I've been blonde for a decade but like also why? Because when I look at my higher self, I feel like she's thin because she doesn't self-sabotage constantly and she also has brown hair and she also is more natural and doesn't have things like this, like gel nails. And then my one nail broke the other day and my nails never break because I have, like, the best nail tech. And and then after the trip I was like, is that a sign? It's so nice having this one finger? That's like, not this long nail, I don't know. So I'm struggling with that because I don't know what I'm going to do with that. I also have a hair appointment this week and I'm like, what do I do there? I'm overthinking and this is all still really fresh.
Speaker 2:I haven't obviously done a lot of integration, but as soon as she came out of the room I could just like came out of the room after her journey and she came out and she was. I could just feel an energetic shift happen in her. Like her energy was different.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then she's telling me all these things. I'm like, wow, because I've always wanted her to have, like, plain nails, because her nails are beautiful just the way they are. Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I don't even know why I always. It's also funny because when you have nails just on this topic of nails, as an example I never miss a nail appointment. Like you will always rebook that every three weeks or whatever your you know cycle is, whereas sometimes I'll go three, four, five, one time six months without a massage, because no one can see physically that you've had a massage.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:So I'll let those slide because I don't book it but never a nail appointment and I think, like the money and the time that I spend doing these exterior things, I mean I've done it all. I've been in and out of getting lashes for a long time Like I'm out of that phase right now, but I've done that a lot. I mean I had hair extensions.
Speaker 2:You did Botox briefly for a while for a while.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that, yeah I did. I did all the things like I'm buying into the narrative of society as if, like that is a symbol of success or status or something. And there was a couple times in um the trip, two things I want to share too, like the music, I think was the music would change because it was like a thunderstorm song and it was like thunderstorms will come but in the thunderstorm you can still receive. You are still worthy in the storm if you're in the struggle, and to look for, still look for the blessings, because the storm is going to pass, the sun will shine again, and just to keep going. And that was just like a little snippet of like just this one song that took me to that place where it's like you can be going through hard times or times when you're frustrating yourself, but still be worthy of receiving.
Speaker 2:Wow, yeah, it's very powerful.
Speaker 1:And then where did I say that? Stop blocking your blessings. They're right in front of you. You and then I put in brackets. Your ego is blocking you from seeing it. Right in front of you. You and then I put in brackets, your ego is blocking you from seeing it.
Speaker 1:And then there was another part about sharing things authentically, without fear of judgment what others might think or how it looks, but think of like. Who is this message for? Just like us doing this podcast and me sharing this journey. I don't have to come on here and share this with whoever's listening to this, but I feel like if this benefits someone who's going to take something positive from this, it's worth it for me. So share messages that heal others, the planet and yourself. Um, receive, receive, receive. Let the blessings wash over you Like they want to and just move out of the way.
Speaker 1:Something else that came up was um, I can't like, I can't do breath work, I can't meditate, I can't cold plunge, I can't, I can't, I can't, like. I'm always saying that and in the trip it was so clear as day that it was like you can, but you keep saying I can't. And that is just you trying to control, still trying to control, because if I say I can't do that now I'm controlling the situation. I can't do that and therefore, what you think you can, you can't. Either way, you're right yeah, that's you.
Speaker 1:You're blocking your your blessings right there exactly it's good that can come out of this, you're blocking it and then it's, and then I wrote control means you're always being in your own way and you were always blocking your blessings. Then this one song came on and it was like I got out of. It was like I, it was a celebration song or something, and it was like I was patting myself on the back. Tears were flowing out of my eyes and I felt really proud of myself, like I remember feeling proud of myself for figuring some of this stupid nonsense out.
Speaker 1:You connected a bunch of dots Totally and it was like good job, Like you stepped aside for long enough that you got the clarity. You did the things that you told yourself you couldn't, which was also I can't do a journey, mushroom journey and the blessings came. Receive them, and not just to. You know, I've always said in business, like lead from the front, but also lead from the front in my life, Like not just in business in life, the front, but also lead from the front in my life, Like not just in business in life. So yeah, those were kind of like it wasn't like a lot of messages, but it was very clear and repetitive on. My problem is I don't know how to receive and when I don't take the time to receive, I'm blocking my blessings. Blessings want to come, but they can't come to you for blocking them. I think that's's everybody.
Speaker 2:I think that's like very insightful for anybody, regardless if you've been on the trip or not yeah, and I think people like you hear things, people talk about this, like someone who's listening to this would be like oh yeah, don't block your blessings, whatever. But when you experience it firsthand and your higher self is talking to yourself in this setting, it's, it's really powerful, it's very deep, it is impactful, because now you're never going to forget that A hundred percent.
Speaker 1:I remember just thinking when I got out of the trip, cause you kind of know when it ends and you're still listening to music, you're enjoying it, but you're kind of coming back into the 3d world and into your body, and I was journaling and I just it was like this kind of just frustration again where it was like why do women specifically have to wear kind of this like perfect armor, you know where? They get Botox and filler and their brows done, their lips done and they're skinny and they got to be tanned and they got to have nails and lashes and designer clothes and jewelry and they need to drive the best cars and live in the biggest houses. And I've fallen victim to literally all of those things.
Speaker 2:And everything there is part of like consumerism.
Speaker 1:But all of it felt like to me when I wrote that down. It like it feels like all of that is blocking my blessings, like the things that I think I'm doing to elevate myself. It's actually blocking my blessings because it's not me leading my life, it's my ego. It's like keeping up with everybody on social and keeping up with who I should be as a top income earner in my company and all of these things. Like I was just the keynote speaker. How could I be on that stage without like gel nails and my hair done and everything looking perfect? Like part of me wanted to walk out on stage with sweats. That's my true self. Like I want to be comfortable, you know, and I think as women, we can all all we can be full of all of that stuff, but then still feel like we're drowning, like we're never good enough, like we're never skinny enough, pretty enough, perfect enough, and we're literally suffocating in our own and drowning, drowning and suffocating in our own bullshit well, remember, you know, our first mentor talked about the house and the foundation.
Speaker 2:So you know, so true. Picture a house and what are people doing? They're outside, they're painting their door. Painting their door, putting on different shingles. You know painting the house, you know doing all these different things in the exterior of the house, when the thing that makes the difference is the foundation Working in the house, inside the house, and nothing does that better than a plant medicine journey, 100% Not a therapy session. You could be in therapy sessions for 10, 20 years.
Speaker 1:Well, talk therapy will only ever get you so far.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:You need to give yourself those own answers.
Speaker 2:It's important, for sure it's important, but this goes way deeper, way faster.
Speaker 1:And it was funny because I also wrote this paragraph. I said I don't need another potion, lotion, pill drop or patch. I've obviously tried all those two. I need to give myself time time away from all of the like noise of the world, which is also just a gift in itself to do a trip, because you're just Nothing else matters.
Speaker 1:Your phone's on airplane mode, you are peaced out, um, and to just get away from the comparison, the shame, the blame, the judgment that really does come through the world of social media that we're in, and reality tv and just, and it just, I wrote in capital letters and big letters like unsubscribe to this narrative and resubscribe to me, to my life, to the people that I love, who are literally right in front of me, you know, and so I guess I feel like, instead of nail appointments and hair appointments and all the things I want to do the work, I want to go inward, I want to spend that time going deeper and doing more of that work. And I'm not saying it's either or I just for me in this specific moment in time, I just need to reassess, like where I'm spending my time and my money.
Speaker 2:It's. I think you're in a Britney evolution.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I think we should all be growing continuously.
Speaker 1:Well, your ego completely pops up because I'm like when I'm on the island and I'm around all my friends that are energy workers and healers and this and that and we're doing breathwork sessions and ceremonies and I look around, not a single person has nails on their gel, nails on their hands. But then I go to, like you know, business arbonne events that we're at and like everybody has them. So then I feel like I'm just stuck in this world. But it's like why am I making this about nails? Like where is this coming from? So my nail appointments on monday actually messaged my, my nail tech, and she's probably like what the hell is happening to her? What are we doing? I don't know. Like I feel like I'm gonna get there and get weak and be like just make them red.
Speaker 1:So she's taking them off right oh, that's what I told her to do my messengers before. Before I had a weak moment, because the thing is, if I don't like it I can get them back on, but like I've never not had them and I just think like that's so silly but you have really nice nails.
Speaker 2:Like you were a nail model, I know it's weird.
Speaker 1:I don't know how to explain it and I don't know why that came up as like a thing that I'm blocking my blessings, Maybe because it's just taking time away, for I could put time in other places like doing more into. Reiki, doing getting more of the breath work, taking the time from meditation, instead of telling myself I can't, I can't, I can't, I don't have time.
Speaker 2:but I have time for the other surface stuff I just don't want, I guess to spend my time on the is blocking me and part of how I'm in my own way, and again, just like my personal kind of insights from this one, I noticed something interesting. So when I first did my mushroom journey, it's like when you come out of there because of what you see and how you start thinking and seeing the world, every's different. So when I was, you know, being married to you you haven't experienced that yet. So I'm seeing things a certain way, she's seeing things another way and there's almost like there's like a gap there in you know and how we see things. And the last time we had something big like that happened was when you went to our first mentor, mentor. You went to Keith.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And so you went to Keith like I don't know, was it six months before I did yeah? And she came home and she was like, oh my God, all this stuff and she, just she wouldn't stop talking about it. And I'm like that's amazing, you know. But I and she's like she was a different person, but I hadn't experienced, you know, the knowledge that he was sharing yet. But when I did, I was like, oh, and then we were on the same level again. Yeah, and you can't explain it to someone.
Speaker 2:No, so you came out of that room and the way you were talking, the energy that you had, and I'm like, I feel like she's, you know, up here, so to speak, elevating herself, just elevating herself, kind of just elevating our consciousness. Yeah, not elevating on, you know, being a better person?
Speaker 2:yeah, none of that, it's just a different level of thinking. Um, the other thing I noticed is, when you start doing this work and going deeper, there's less people that you can relate to, your group, that you want to hang around with and share your energy with, and your time with starts getting smaller.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it's true, and not that that's wrong.
Speaker 2:It's not.
Speaker 1:No, it just is what it is Like yeah, it just is what it is Like. Yeah, it just is what it is yeah, and you start attracting other people that are on that same kind of level, that are doing that same type of work, which I think is part of why we've had this marriage as long as we have in this relationship, Because we've always, like you know, got what am I trying to say? Like supported each other with the journey that we're on.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like, and it took you a while to get on the personal growth journey, on the spiritual journey, but now you're on this journey with plant medicine. Then I caught up with you and it's like this kind of ping pong, back and forth almost, but we're still both elevating our like you said consciousness because we're still doing the work. You know, you listen to a podcast. I listen to it because you think, like, imagine a relationship where, like, I'm doing all the work and you're just watching Netflix.
Speaker 2:And we've seen relationships like that and when they usually end you know one go, they go different ways.
Speaker 1:And I remember when I started doing Arbonne and I you know, they were saying you need your business will never grow bigger than you. And I was like what does that even mean Bigger than me? Like I have reality TV to watch and you know gossip magazines to read, cause that was like all I cared about. But at the same time, it's true, my business wouldn't have grown bigger than I was growing, and so I knew there was this level of I have to start reading books, I guess like personal self-growth books. And I remember you saying and maybe we've said this on a podcast, I think we did about how you were like well, I don't read. I'm like you do read because you graduated, so you know how to read. I think what you're saying is you're slow at reading, you probably don't like it, and I called you out on it that day. And I remember saying like we're either going to grow together or we're going to grow apart, and it's up to you.
Speaker 2:I was like Okay.
Speaker 1:And you were, no joke in bed the next night reading a book.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And now you're always crushing it and reading and listening and telling me what to read and listen to. But it's fun to grow together and whether that's in a marriage or in a friendship or whatever and it's why relationships change and evolve, because you change and evolve and a lot of people aren't willing to change and evolve, they're not willing to do the work evolve, they're not willing to do the work.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think, like if you still have the same friends you had in like grade one or even high school and I don't know. I would just assess those relationships because or how are they serving you? Yeah, how are they serving you?
Speaker 1:And what did you say the other day about spiritual awakening? Usually happens between 30 and 40?.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Which is interesting because I literally started my journey, started astrology, in 2015 and I would have been 30 that year and I'm turning 40 in 2025. So I feel like I'm in this. I've been on this journey of like this more so, a little bit of spiritual awakening and into this more energy realm and work for 10 years, but I feel like there's so much more that I want to do and explore it's.
Speaker 2:it's never ending. And the biggest, I think one of the biggest pieces of this, like you know, higher consciousness. All this stuff is just letting go of all the BS that society has programmed us with.
Speaker 1:When you're in a trip, you literally look at the 3D world that we live in as like this big giant joke, and we're so bought into it and it's just like a game.
Speaker 2:It's a game, it's and it's. It's all a distraction keeping us from what's really important.
Speaker 1:And again, if you've never done a journey, you probably have no idea how to take that. But, like, when you do it, you will know exactly what I mean yeah, so like what?
Speaker 2:the? What I've got in my journeys, if I could sum it up, is actually what this podcast is about loving yourself, loving each other and loving the planet, and I can't that. That's literally a summary of the feelings, the emotions, uh, everything you go through in a journey, and I think you heard that here, brittany talking about her journey.
Speaker 1:Well, and I was just going to read a message I got today because I posted on Instagram that we were going to do this podcast. When I did my journey yesterday and a girl that I know, she messaged me and she said I'm so excited for you. I did a journey about two years ago with my psychologist, because people that are psychiatrists and psychologists are doing psychedelics to help their patients yeah, this is a thing, and she goes. Even two years later, I'm still having moments of understanding as the layers of healing. There's a lot that will make sense now, but even more as you go. Integration is a long process of healing and revealing over and over again.
Speaker 2:Enjoy the ride is a long process of healing and revealing over and over again. Enjoy the ride.
Speaker 1:Yeah, most people do one journey in their life and that's all you need. Yeah, I want to figure out. I guess I'm excited for the next step. Maybe three grams or I don't know if I'm too scared to go to five grams. Well, we just take it in stride, but we'll go a level deeper, yeah, and see what else you got to know. We're always learning and growing and it's just, yeah, like you said, it's a never-ending journey yeah, it's.
Speaker 2:It's kind of like a fast track to your personal growth though it's a good way to put it it's like the it's like the key yeah she's like the key. It's like, uh, if you go up to a locked door and somebody gives you some tools and says, open the door with all these tools and then that's like therapy or reading a book or whatever, and then someone else comes up to you with the key to the door.
Speaker 2:You're like you're gonna take the key I'm gonna take the key because you, you can. You can get to some of these. You know higher consciousness places with meditation and transcendental meditation, all the stuff, but it takes like a long time to be able to master something like that. So, like here's, here's the key. Here's a fungus that grows from the earth that the earth has given us, let's uh, let's take that. That's a fast track.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's a medicine so I hope this has been insightful. I don't know, I didn't have as many big messages and things as I feel you did in your last two journeys, but I do know I feel you definitely went deeper than I did. This was very much like a surface level, but I do feel like I got out of it what I needed. At this point I'm glad I did it, and it's just now. It's the integration process, so I'll keep you posted. Do I keep the nails? Do I not? Do I go brunette? Am I still blonde? I don't know All the things I'm thinking of.
Speaker 2:I'm just excited seeing her and listening to her and her just wanting to show herself more love and respect. That's pretty, that's pretty cool.
Speaker 1:Oh, actually, there's one thing I have to talk about with you saying that.
Speaker 1:So, um, since I had marty, I've always felt like my like womb space.
Speaker 1:Oh right, this is very like like blah, just like it's not toned and tight, it's not like how flat, how it used to be, all these things, and I keep trying to figure out like why, or is it just like me being this undisciplined, not working out enough, or I'm not supposed to take I don't know, like just always trying to figure it out, and it's like somewhere outside of me, always like the answer is outside of me, painting the house, literally like always, and I felt myself a lot in this journey, just like having my hands on my stomach and on my womb space and really giving it so much love and gratitude for the fact that it grew the most perfect human in the world, which is our son, and a human that is like I mean, he's almost four and he's funny and smart and beautiful and very kind, loving and I just think like I grew an entire human being in my womb, yet I'm literally shitting on it and sending it hate and being ashamed of it and trying to hide it and never giving it any love that it could receive.
Speaker 1:It's receiving nothing because it's like drought, and so my vision was like ground, like cracked dry ground, you know where it just like kind of puffs up and it's cracked and dry. But once you start watering it and taking care of it maybe you plant some seeds and flowers grow or grass or whatever and it kind of like tightens up and starts looking like pretty Like. I feel like I don't need all these external things to get there. I need.
Speaker 2:So an absence of love. It's in drought, it's in a love drought?
Speaker 1:yeah, and part of that is just me again comparing. Why does so-and-so have a baby and they leave the hospital with a flat stomach? Or this person has abs three months later, like why am I over?
Speaker 1:here on the struggle bus four years later thief of joy's comparison right and I'm missing out on exactly what's in front of me, and like you don't love me any less and why does it mean something if my pants are a size bigger? Like what? Like it's all so much external stuff. And then it takes me back to when my grandma passed away in 2018 and I just so vividly remember, like feeling the energy of her soul being gone and just like not wanting to leave her physical body, but knowing she wasn't there anymore. Like who was there, who I loved and wanted to be around, was her soul. It wasn't her body. And yet all we do is going through life focused on the external, the shell, this vessel that we've been given, and basically shitting on it and shooting it up with poison left, right and center, when we could be working, doing the soul work.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this whole world is external, everything, everything.
Speaker 1:That's so hard to be in that world and try to like break free of it but still like maintain your level of you know, say for me, success and level in my business, or the respect of people. Like I'm probably gonna have friends that are like, is she like gone down the deep end, but I can't stay where I am right now if I want to be somewhere else, and like some of those people I'll bring with me on the journey and some I'll leave behind, but also on the journey I'll find new people on the path, like we already have. Think of the people in our life since we moved here two years ago.
Speaker 2:Very different.
Speaker 1:It's insane. It's such a blessing and you can keep everything you had, but you're adding on to it. It's like I can still be.
Speaker 2:It's an exciting place. Having new insights and doing all this stuff it's, it's really cool, makes you feel alive.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and like you don't want to numb yourself in life with the food and the TV and the stuff that we just numb out to like, yeah, everything.
Speaker 2:You just feel like you just want to be more pure with everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so anyways, I'm glad you said that, cause I brought up that last piece that I forgot I wanted to mention.
Speaker 2:Amazing. That was an important thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so if you guys have ever had an experience, um, doing like working with psilocybin on your own, we'd love to hear from you Like I love hearing from people that have had great experiences and what their insights were. Or if it's something you have questions about, like, reach out to us. If this podcast has helped you and you're thinking of someone that could benefit from this, or you know someone's pops into your head, send it to them. Like I don't think I ever listened to a podcast ever without sharing it, first of all if it's awesome, because that can always add value to someone else like publicly on my wall but also sharing it with someone specific that I think this could really help. You know the last podcast we did with Christy Dr, christy Simpson with the World Institute. That podcast has made a massive difference in some people's lives already Yep.
Speaker 2:Huge.
Speaker 1:And I said to Brian all week I was like we did that podcast for so-and-so and I didn't even know that we did that. Even the exercise at the end that we did, the breathing exercise, that already has helped somebody very important to us. Yeah, and as I said, brian, like you did that on the cuff, like that exercise, and it was obviously for this person. So a lot of the times when we share messages and we share ourselves, and whether it's for us on this podcast or just like every day on our social media, it's for the people that need to hear it yeah, and I realized with sharing this stuff like I don't know, I get a lot of joy with helping people discover you know what this plant medicine can do for them.
Speaker 2:So if you have questions, seriously reach out, just message me. Yeah, I'd love to. I love chatting about this stuff and yeah, we're definitely here, so opening people's minds.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so anyways, thanks for listening.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for listening. That is all. You guys have an awesome day and we will chat with you on the next one. Chat with you on the next episode. Love you guys, stay awesome Peace.